After campaigning for BJP candidates in Jharkhand and Bihar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday arrived at the holy city of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. The Prime Minister visited the iconic Ram Mandir and performed puja.
After performing puja at the Ram temple, PM Modi held a two-kilometer-long roadshow in the city which started from Sugriva Fort and will continue till Lata Chowk. PM Modi was accompanied by UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in the roadshow.
Meanwhile, the city has been decked up with life-size cutouts of the Prime Minister and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and pictures of deities put up along the roads.
Floral arrangements were also seen across Ayodhya.
Security has been tightened in the temple town as it is witnessing a huge influx of devotees from early hours on Sunday.
Ayodhya will be voting in the fifth phase of Lok Sabha elections